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Wills Clinic – attorney registration

September 8 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Join SALSA as we help San Antonio’s indigent, vulnerable, and at-risk communities plan for their family’s future by drafting and executing a complete estate planning packet (Will, statutory durable power of attorney, medical power of attorney, HIPAA release, directive to physicians, and declaration of guardian).

SALSA’s Wills Clinics are held from 5-8 pm at the Center for Legal and Social Justice at St. Mary’s School of Law located at:

2507 NW 36th Street, San Antonio, Texas 78228.

Once you register for the clinic, you will be sent a link to our Wills Clinic resources page, which has training videos, FAQs, and templates. We will also be providing a free 1 hour pre-clinic CLE, which takes place about a week prior to the clinic, and is presented by one of our Board Certified Estate Planning Wills Mentors. SALSA staff will be in touch with you about CLE dates once you register for the Wills Clinic.

At the clinic, attorneys are asked to bring your laptops so that you can draft the documents on your own computers, and then when ready, SALSA provides printing. Clients are vetted prior to the clinic and will have completed a Wills Questionnaire to make the meeting more streamlined. When you arrive at the clinic, you are matched with a client and a St. Mary’s law student who has helped the client complete the questionnaire. You can have the law students draft as much or as little as they feel comfortable. We ask that you use the templates provided on the SALSA Wills Clinic Resources Page. Once drafting is complete, you alert a SALSA staff member, and we have a Board Certified Estate Planning mentor review documents prior to printing. Once the documents are approved, a SALSA staff member prints the documents. We then have notaries present to notarize the documents, and the law students serve as witnesses. The clients leave with a complete and fully executed estate planning packet to include a Will, Statutory Durable POA, Medical POA, HIPAA Release, Directive to Physicians, and Declaration of Guardian.

Wills Clinics are always a lot of fun! We encourage attorneys of all practice areas to participate. If you’re a new attorney looking to learn about estate planning, this is a great way to learn, or if you’re an attorney who would like to learn a new practice area, this is also the perfect opportunity. The templates that are provided have been specifically created by SALSA’s Board Certified Estate Planning Mentors with this population in mind. We provide training and have mentors on-site to answer any questions you may have. The clients are so grateful for the service, and it’s a wonderful way to give back to the community.

**Please note that sometimes the auto-emails from SALSA about registration confirmation and resource pages are sent to your spam folder. If you do not receive a confirmation in your inbox from us within 5 minutes of your registration, please check your spam folder and white-list emails from SALSA. Thanks!**


September 8
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Categories:


Center for Legal and Social Justice
2507 NW 36th Street
San Antonio, TX 78228 United States
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