Thank you for volunteering for SALSA’s Legal Advice Clinics and Office Hours! We appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to volunteer and provide legal advice to indigent, vulnerable and at-risk members of our community. 

We encourage you to use the forms and educational materials we have provided on this page. If you have questions or need additional assistance during your client meeting, to include assistance from a SALSA Mentor Attorney, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a SALSA staff member. 


Pro Bono Resource Guide





2022 Disaster Response Manual

In many cases, the client’s needs will extend beyond legal advice. Whether the client seeks further action on their case, or the issue is a non-legal issue that may be remedied by a partner organization, we want to provide clients who leave our advice clinics with resources to meet their needs. We encourage you to provide clients with the following resources that may help them move forward:

Inability to Pay Court Costs:

If you are meeting with and advising a client who needs to file something with the court but cannot afford filing fees, you are welcome to help them complete a Statement of Inability to Pay Court Costs. As a note, most SALSA clients will financially qualify to complete this form. If you have questions, please ask a SALSA staff member.

Housing Information:

Housing Resource Guide – provides a comprehensive list of housing resources and phone numbers

If someone is seeking a place to live and already has funds or a voucher, but they don’t know what housing is available to them, they might try these options:

My City is My Home Current Apartment List

Low Income Housing Tax Credit Database

TDHCA Housing List

Domestic Violence

Texas Advocacy Project – helps victims of interpersonal violence 1 (800) 374- HOPE (4673).


Catholic Charities – To schedule an appointment, call: (210) 433-3256.

Other Referrals

TRLA Flyer – This is a printable flyer with TRLA’s contact information so a client can take it with them.

San Antonio Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service – if all other resources have been exhausted, and the client is either over income to receive SALSA’s Services or the legal matter is too complicated for a pro bono attorney, we refer applicants to the San Antonio Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service to hire a paid attorney to help them.


We appreciate the time and energy our volunteers put into working with the clients. Our goal is to provide you all the tools and support necessary to provide sound advice. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. Thank you for joining us in our mission to provide equal access to justice, regardless of ability to pay!

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