SALSA Volunteer Form Volunteer Form Name* First Last PronounsFirm/Agency/Office/School/None*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email Address* Business Phone*Personal PhoneLink to LinkedIn Page Do you have proficiency in a language other than English?* Yes No Which language(s) do you speak?Reasons for Volunteering (Top 1 or 2):* I have available time. I want to be of service to my community. A colleague recommended volunteering. I think pro bono is important. My firm has a pro bono requirement. I’d like hands-on experience/mentoring. Other Please select the category that most accurately describes your professional status:*SelectAttorneyLaw StudentPost Bar (awaiting results)ParalegalOther Legal ProfessionalLanguage TranslatorTexas Bar Number (if licensed in Texas)Are you a notary? Yes No Please contact me about the volunteer opportunities I check below: Select All Tenants’ Rights Program Protective Order Program Expunction Clinic Don’t Bully Me (DBM) Project Wills Clinic Small Estate Clinic Veterans Legal Advice Clinic Alternatives to Guardianship Clinic Transfer on Death Deed Clinic Haven for Hope Legal Advice Clinic MAC Disability Clinic Property Tax Protest Workshop Please select the appropriate areas of expertise. SALSA staff will add you to our "call list" for extended representation cases in these areas. Bankruptcy/Debtor Relief Consumer Education Employment Tax Adoption Custody/Visitation/Support Divorce Parental Rights Emancipation Minor Guardianship/Conservatorship Adult Guardianship/Conservatorship Probate/Estate Planning Public Benefits Veterans Benefits Health Housing Immigration Disability Criminal Record Expungement Torts Mediation Are you willing to mentor in this subject matter area? Yes No Are you a litigator?* Yes No I'm interested in serving on SALSA's Board of Directors or on a Board Committee Yes No How did you hear about SALSA?*Google or other search engineWord of MouthEmployerLocal Association (SABA, etc)Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn)SALSA Outreach EventPersonal Discussion with SALSA Staff or Board MemberOtherOther Notes for SALSA Staff*Terms of Volunteer Participation* I understand and agree to the terms outlined above. CONDITIONS OF VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION: I understand and agree that my services will be rendered free of any charge to SALSA-referred clients. I agree to hold all client and case matters in the strictest confidence and shall adhere to all policies which serve to protect the attorney-client relationships. I also understand that I am prohibited from accepting employment on a fee basis from any current or past client of SALSA.CAPTCHA Δ